
[Video-Photos] La marche pour la paix de Wade: le président tout en blanc avec un pigeon blanc


Wade et sa journée de paix

8 Commentaires

  1. viv le president wade inchallah tu sera reelu nioune nous somm dé senegalais niola fale niolay falat yalla moy mayé ndam té diko dindi ndiogui key nianat mou mey la ndam au soir du 26 fevrier inchallah thi barké alkhourane

  2. moi ce idy diop la il se rabaisse koi tu ns sert tjr ton fly on dit a wade de prendre son avion et de faire un fly on et laissé le pouvoir au lieu liberer des pigeons il a la clé de la paix et de la stabilité de notre pays

  3. Mr. President of the Republic, From one day to another, the Constitutional council will decide as for your participation in the presidential election. Your partisans encourage you to aspire to a third mandate. Your adversaries exhort you to give up it. But should it be pointed out, it is in the loneliness which the capacity imposes that you will take your decision. During this moment determining for the future of the nation, remember us, us, the Senegalese people, of the interior like outside, cities like campaigns, us, so much of stripped and excluded, we who groan and shout since such an amount of time, we maintain you, once again, of our sufferings and our hopes. The tensions caused by your candidature, increasingly larger, are not likely to offer a poll to us serene, able to reinforce national cohesion. Quite to the contrary, the anguish us étreint, each day more, populates us Senegalese. Our hope, which you show compassion, even of genius, to move away the cloud anxiogene planing with the top of our heads and on the future of the country. Mr. President of the Republic, you and we have just lived one year 2011 very rich in lesson, marked by the sharp decline of modes which the world believed irremovable. You and we also lived the election of Barak Obama, a “black”, with the head of the USA, a “white” country. The advent of young leaders in the western world belongs to the events that we lived together. What to say election of Michel Martelly to Haiti, a singer to continue the work of independence of All Saints’ day Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines? You are from now on one of the people in the world who control best the wheels of universalization in which we live and especially, the assets and the weaknesses of a country such as Senegal. Your presidential experiment is a force and your political longevity a richness. An inheritance which it is advisable to put at the service of your people. Guard of the Constitution and without any doubt inhabited by the height which sied with the function, you also have the capacity to announce to us that instead of aspiring to a third mandate in 2012, you will mobilize all your energy to organize us the rightest elections which us ever knew in Senegal. What a master stroke to draw your reverence! Do Mr. President of the Republic, imagine the place which you will occupy in the heart of the Senegaleses who dream of Rupture if you create the conditions of realization of this dream? The entire country will remember such a nobility. Added to that your courageous passed of opponent, you will remain in the posterity like wise of Africa. Imagine what you could bring to Senegal, Africa and the world, extremely of your presidential experiment and retreat that you will take. You could enrich considerably your successor, his colleagues of the Continent and the world. Wise to promote the fundamental values which make large people, here what your youth – disabled, disillusioned, déstructurée and already corrupted – hopes for you. Large of this world! A prestige which would be also that of the entire country and thus ours. An additional reason to ask you to organize us right elections and thus to leave the capacity in the size. Mr. President of the Republic, when well even you would be takes back for a new mandate, would have you the retreat necessary to the good performance of your duty? Especially, would you have energy to operate the Rupture dreamed by your people? The insane succession of politico-financial scandals to which your many governments accustomed us has constrained you to concentrate you on the tensions and treasons within the liberal family. Prison, exclusion or resignation for your closer collaborators. Today in the opposition, the latter do not have of cease to attack you, with an amazing ferocity. For us populates Senegalese, all these insults are contrary with our traditions of yar, teggin ak yiw. Also, this deleterious climate is contrary with our interests. Indeed, in the place of proposals able to alleviate our sufferings at the very least, the political personnel inveighs, with the measurement of the archaism which characterizes it. A debate of a rare vulgarity, particularly sterile, and which, to our large prejudice, will turn to confrontation in the event of validation of your candidature and more still with your maintenance for the capacity. Then, occupied protecting your camp, without any doubt that you will make little case of us, these Senegalese people which await from his president a real protection and solutions with his hunger. Mr. President of the Republic, you n’ do not be only the d’ chief; a parliamentary majority, liberals or of Kébémérois. You are a symbol recognized by the law, especially a symbol through which must recognize the whole of the nation. By electing you President of the Republic, to be its image and the expression of its inalienable capacity, the sovereign People which we are s’ is sought at the same time a guide – in the medium term – and a referee able to transcend antagonisms. But today, vis-a-vis the handle of privileged which surrounds you, the famished people feel abandoned. A reality in your campaigns, a danger in your cities, a cry in your young people. Your wives and your workers always wait, and it is all the people which hope for a gleam of solidarity and generosity. Representative of these values, you have the role of taking care on our company and of reinforcing our sense of security by doing a work of pedagogue. However, the answers which you currently give about the electoral climate do not take part in that. Remainder, they is nations known for their brutality with regard to Africa and of the “Blacks” that arrive aujourd’ today requests for the withdrawal of your candidature. However, free people and eternal in the respect of our history and our traditions, we should not receive some lesson that it is of some other people that it is. It thus belongs to our President of the Republic, our image and the expression of our inalienable capacity, therefore with you, to take care of that, by organizing elections which make it possible to the sovereign People to find you a successor able to lead the Rupture, a general aspiration, a national safety. Mr. President of the Republic, presidential the 2012 should be a celebration, that of a new victory of the Senegalese people, the obvious result of his combat vis-a-vis all the modes in place to make triumph justice in our dear country. These people which courageously reversed the socialist capacity – sclerosed and corrupted – and always walked on with you, it is these people who testifies once again his confidence to you, to request right elections, conscious that you can transform the crucial appointment of February 26, 2012 into historical event, such on March 19, 2000. The occasion to give again the hope with your wives, your young people, your workers, your stripped and your excluded. Mr. President of the Republic, should it be pointed out, your prestige is also that of the entire country. Then we will not let your advisers charm it to us. We are all the more determined as the echoes which reach us of your palate worry us and run up against our morals. They give a report on operations of seduction towards the certain castes, always most privileged: marabouts, fighters, magistrates. The analysts of any hair denounce a purchase of the consciences. Others see there the installation of a barrier of protection pre and post electoral: marabouts to direct the vote of faithful and to anaesthetize the people in anger; fighters to terrorize and attack the resistant people; magistrates to validate all the electoral frauds and to protect their authors. However, we believe that the ideal of people, a goal and a faith expensive in Senegal would be been useful much better if, instead of making gift of the public money, your generosity answered the social urgency: to eat and drink, look after themselves and study, to have water and electricity. Indeed, your people hardly survive, but by being aware to deserve better, much better! We deserve to live in prosperity and especially in dignity. Mr. President of the Republic, the victorious walk of March 19, 2000, us, Senegalese people, let us reiterate it on February 26, 2012, for the future of our children and our nation. But the reason orders to avoid any form of confrontation because the exit of the adventure would be painful and would not fail to shake national cohesion. Our country does not deserve that, your people does not deserve that. Thus we ask you to recall to the security forces of our country their duty of protection with respect to the populations. It indeed belongs to the President to take care of the safety of the citizens. Otherwise, they will only do it. On March 19, 2000, the young people, in spite of the skepticism or the opposition of their parents, entrusted the capacity to you. Today, these same young people, become adult and poor, wish to recover their good.

    just a proude senegalese going by the name of abdoulaye ndiaye….


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