Dear brothers and sisters, get up, stand up, and fight for your right. « If you knew what Life was worth, you’d fight for yours on Earth… »Robert N. Marley. The African Youth must identify with the Panafricanist Movement’s ideas and believes, instead of imported ideologies such as Socialism, Communism, Liberalism, and Capitalism… For now and forever, no conscious, honest and responsible nation can afford to rely solely on smuggled foreign theories, external to its cultural and social reality, for any type of positive development and uplifting of its people. The geopolitical and geostrategic scheme of the current times, urges for full self-determination and readiness. Only those who succeed in getting together and uniting for the common purpose will survive the upcoming unprecedented Turmoil. Africa as one Nation, united militarily, monetarily, and politically could triumph over the tremendous crisis that’s about to reach an unseen global scale.
“Final Call before Armageddon” by Papa Latyr Faye
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