
Chrissy Teigen, répond à l’insulte de Donald Trump.


Elle n’a pas apprécié. La mannequin Chrissy Teigen s’est fendu d’un tweet vengeur ciblant Donald Trump, après que le président américain a eu des propos insultants envers elle.

Tout a commencé lorsque Donald Trump, comme il en a l’habitude, a publié une série de tweets rageux pour commenter le passage de John Legend sur la chaîne MSNBC, dimanche soir, lors duquel il a évoqué le programme «justice pour tous», un projet de réforme de la justice pour lequel militait le chanteur.closevolume_off

Le président américain n’a visiblement pas supporté que le chanteur ne le remercie pas pour la réforme de la justice adoptée en décembre dernier à l’initiative des Républicains, le «First step act», qui prévoit notamment des peines minimales allégées pour les auteurs de crimes non violents liés à la drogue, ou encore un assouplissement de la loi qui prévoit la prison à vie pour ceux qui cumulent au moins trois condamnations.

Donald J. Trump?@realDonaldTrump

When all of the people pushing so hard for Criminal Justice Reform were unable to come even close to getting it done, they came to me as a group and asked for my help. I got it done with a group of Senators & others who would never have gone for it. Obama couldn’t come close….59,5 k05:11 – 9 sept. 2019Informations sur les Publicités Twitter et confidentialité22,8 k personnes parlent à ce sujet

When all of the people pushing so hard for Criminal Justice Reform were unable to come even close to getting it done, they came to me as a group and asked for my help. I got it done with a group of Senators & others who would never have gone for it. Obama couldn’t come close….

Donald J. Trump?@realDonaldTrump

….A man named @VanJones68, and many others, were profusely grateful (at that time!). I SIGNED IT INTO LAW, no one else did, & Republicans deserve much credit. But now that it is passed, people that had virtually nothing to do with it are taking the praise. Guys like boring…..18,5 k05:11 – 9 sept. 2019Informations sur les Publicités Twitter et confidentialité5?983 personnes parlent à ce sujet

Dans la foulée, Donald Trump s’en est pris à John Legend et à «sa femme à la bouche sale et à la langue bien pendue», Chrissy Teigen. 

Donald J. Trump?@realDonaldTrump · 10 hEn réponse à @realDonaldTrump

….A man named @VanJones68, and many others, were profusely grateful (at that time!). I SIGNED IT INTO LAW, no one else did, & Republicans deserve much credit. But now that it is passed, people that had virtually nothing to do with it are taking the praise. Guys like boring…..

Donald J. Trump?@realDonaldTrump

….musician @johnlegend, and his filthy mouthed wife, are talking now about how great it is – but I didn’t see them around when we needed help getting it passed. “Anchor”@LesterHoltNBC doesn’t even bring up the subject of President Trump or the Republicans when talking about….48,4 k05:11 – 9 sept. 2019Informations sur les Publicités Twitter et confidentialité21,7 k personnes parlent à ce sujet

Donald J. Trump?@realDonaldTrump · 10 hEn réponse à @realDonaldTrump

….musician @johnlegend, and his filthy mouthed wife, are talking now about how great it is – but I didn’t see them around when we needed help getting it passed. “Anchor”@LesterHoltNBC doesn’t even bring up the subject of President Trump or the Republicans when talking about….

Donald J. Trump?@realDonaldTrump

…..the importance or passage of Criminal Justice Reform. They only talk about the minor players, or people that had nothing to do with it…And the people that so desperately sought my help when everyone else had failed, all they talk about now is Impeaching President Trump!45,8 k05:11 – 9 sept. 2019Informations sur les Publicités Twitter et confidentialité19,8 k personnes parlent à ce sujet

Chrissy Teigen a répliqué, évidemment via Twitter : «lol quelle petite mauviette. Il a taggé tout le monde sauf moi. Un honneur, monsieur le président.» 

christine teigen?@chrissyteigen

lol what a pussy ass bitch. tagged everyone but me. an honor, mister president.266 k06:17 – 9 sept. 2019Informations sur les Publicités Twitter et confidentialité50 k personnes parlent à ce sujet




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