
Deux Jeunes sénégalais Arrêtes Apres Avoir Terrorise Toute La Caroline Du Nord


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Les deux braqueurs d’origine sénégalais pris dans les mailles du filet dela police américaine. En effet, Djibril Sow, 25 ans et Ahmed Bachir Amadou, 23 ans, ont été arrêtés dans une affaire de vol avec effraction, selon la police du Comté de Lincoln.

Après avoir été alertée par le biais d’un appel de détresse au sujet d’un vol par effraction dans le quartier de la baie de Stonewater à Mount Holly, le mercredi 14 octobre, la police de Mount Holly a repéré une fourgonnette qui quittait la zone et a tenté de l’arrêter, mais les gens à l’intérieur ont refusé de coopérer.

Et il s’en est suivi une course poursuite qui s’est terminée sur le Pont du Lac Norman après que trois voitures de patrouille aient été endommagées. L’un des suspects a sauté dans l’eau mais a été arrêté plus tard.

Selon la police la camionnette a été saisie, et divers objets de biens volés ont été récupérés. L’enquête est en cours pour voir si les mis en cause ne sont pas concernés par d’autres cambriolages dans la région.

Les deux jeunes qui étaient établis dans le comté voisin de Mecklenburg sont détenus à la prison du comté de Gaston pour divers crimes. 38 chefs d’accusation pèsent sur la tête de ces deux personnes et leurs peines risquent d’être très lourdes…
Deputy hospitalized, two arrested after jumping into Lake Norman during chase

A Lincoln County deputy was taken to the hospital and three patrol cars were damaged after a chase in Mount Holly Wednesday morning, Lincoln County officials said. The pursuit ended on a bridge over Lake Norman where one of the suspects jumped into the water and was later arrested.

According to the Lincoln County sheriff, one of this deputies suffered a broken leg.

The incident started around 4:11 a.m. when police in Mount Holly got a 911 call about a breaking and entering in the Stonewater Bay neighborhood of Mount Holly. Police spotted a van leaving the area and attempted to stop it, but the people inside refused to stop and drove towards Lincoln County.

Amanda Edwards lives in Stonewater Bay. She told WBTV she found out about the chase on

“We use that to find out the latest news in the neighborhood,” Edwards said. “We have been targeted before. Unfortunately, when you live in a neighborhood with upscale homes in it and boats, our boat has been broken into a number of times down on the water, so any time they catch the bad guys I’m thrilled.”

Regarding the chase, Lincoln County Sheriff David Carpenter said his deputies responded to Highway 16 in Denver where three patrol cars crashed in a chain-reaction collision.

“It is a bad situation any time you have officers that are involved in a police chase or coming up on a police chase,” Carpenter told WBTV. “It is a dangerous situation and it was unfortunate what happened this morning.”

We were told one deputy was taken to the hospital with a leg injury and the three patrol cars were towed from the scene. “He is going to be released. I believe there may be a possibility of a stress fracture to his tibia,” Carpenter said.

Deputies say the chase ended on Highway 150 east in a construction zone on a bridge over Lake Norman at the Catawba-Iredell County line.

One man jumped into the water at Lake Norman and attempted to escape before returning to shore and being taken into custody. The other man was nabbed as he ran from the vehicle.

According to police, 25-year-old Djbril Sow and 23-year-old Ahmed Bachir Amadou were arrested in the case. Both are from Mecklenburg County and are being held at the Gaston County jail for various crimes. More charges are pending.

Police say the van was seized, and various items of stolen property were recovered. The investigation is ongoing to see if the pair is connected to other break-ins in the area.

Sow had outstanding warrants from Mecklenburg County.

Copyright 2015 WBTV. All rights reserved.


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