
Meeting du M23 à Rufisque, Macky, le défaillant, égratigné par Idy : ceux qui se précipitent verront la dalle tomber sur eux


Huit candidats à l’élection présidentielle ont affiché lundi soir à Rufisque, leur détermination à continuer à lutter ensemble pour amener le président sortant Abdoulaye Wade à retirer sa candidature.

Les huit candidats, tous membres du mouvement du 23 juin (M23), sont Moustapha Niass, Idrissa Seck, Cheikh Bamba Dièye, Diouma Dieng Diakhaté, Ibrahima Fall, Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, Djibril Ngom et Ousmane Tanor Dieng

8 candidats affichent leur détermination à mettre Wade hors course

Le M23, qui regroupe des partis de l’opposition et des associations de la société civile, tenait un meeting au Jardin public de Rufisque au deuxième jour de la campagne électorale.

‘’Notre combat pour le retrait de la candidature de Wade n’est pas seulement un combat de partis politiques. C’est un combat de tout le peuple sénégalais. Et cette forte mobilisation de Rufisque doit être la même partout au Sénégal jusqu’au retrait de cette candidature de Wade’’, a dit Ousmane Tanor Dieng.

Pour sa part, Idrissa Seck a déclaré : ‘’Si nous laissons de côté notre programme, et nous nous consacrons à lutter pour le respect de la Constitution, c’est parce que sans le respect de la Constitution, aucune autre loi n’est à l’abri de violation’’.

’’A ceux qui se précipitent et négligent cette lutte au profit de leur programme, a ajouté M. Seck, je leur assure que celui qui commence par la toiture pour construire son bâtiment, en oubliant le fondement, verra la dalle tomber sur lui’’.

‘’Nous aimons ce pays, nous avons envie qu’il progresse avec surtout la paix en Casamance, mais le seul obstacle c’est Abdoulaye Wade. Qu’il parte car, nous avons envie que le Sénégal soit en paix, dans le calme’’ a indiqué Djibril Ngom.

Selon Cheikh Bamba Dièye, ‘’ Wade est prêt, son schéma est là, mais il n’a pas encore atteint son objectif qui est de se faire remplacer par son fils’’.

’’Cette mobilisation du M23, si nous l’a poursuivons, nous vaincrons’’, a dit M. Dièye, estimant que ‘’la bataille vient juste de commencer’’.

‘’J’ai entendu Wade dire qu’il a besoin de trois ans pour terminer ses chantiers, mais les vrais chantiers de Wade, c’est comment installer son fils à la tête du pays. Quand Wade quitte, le Sénégal sera en paix. Le pays ne mérite pas ce que fait Wade’’, a soutenu Cheikh Tidiane Gadio.

Moustapha Niass a lui affirmé qu’avec la mobilisation des candidats, membres du M23, ’’l’espoir est encore là’’. ’’Cette unité, cette solidarité, cette mobilisation, démontrent que chacun de nous peut diriger ce pays’’, a-t-il dit.

‘’Nous disons que la candidature de Wade, nous ne l’accepterons ni aujourd’hui, ni demain. Et s’il plait à Dieu, il partira’’, a dit Niass.

Le candidat de la coalition ‘’Taxaw Tem’’, Ibrahima Fall, a lui estimé que ‘’quelle que soit la durée, la vérité finira par triompher et c’est clair, la recherche de la vérité est la raison de votre mobilisation’’.

De son côté, la styliste Diouma Dieng Diakhaté a salué l’unité et la solidarité des candidats de l’opposition, membres du M23. Elle a invité ses concitoyens et tous les autres prétendants ‘’à maintenir la mobilisation pour pousser Wade à retirer sa candidature’’.


13 Commentaires

  1. Xalima, je vous respecte beaucoup, mais revoyez vos infos avant de publier du n’importe quoi. Macky étais bel et bien à la rencontre du M23 où il a pris la parole et fait un excellent discours. Ne versez pas dans la manipulation ni dans la désinformation. Tout ce qui ont regardé le journal de la campagne, ont vu que Macky est tout sauf un défaillant. Alors, arrêtez

  2. Xalima parle des manif d’ aujourd’hui lundi 02/06 qui seront diffusees demain mardi 02/07. Le journal d aujourd hui a montre les manif d hier Dimanche 02/05. Il faut noter que les enregistrements sont diffuses le lendemain apres verifications etc.. Mes excuses au cas au je me trompe

  3. Macky a raison d’aller battre campagne. Pourquoi faire des rassemblements tout le temps alors qu’on peut aller vers les électeurs?
    Pour ce Lundi d’ailleurs Macky a mobilisé plus que les 8 autres candidats qui se sont réunis a Rufisque.
    Macky sera au 2éme tour donc il n’a pas intérêt à ne pas faire le tour du pays en sensibilisant la population pour barrer la route à Wade

  4. Maky est un opportuniste
    doublé de traitre

    L’affaire barra tall et l’assemblé nationale(mamadou seck) sont des preuves de sa personnalité .

    les sénégalais ne feront pas confiance a un president sans fouleu et des de grandes gueulles comme diaz youssou touré et el pistoléros

  5. Pourkoi cet acharnement contre ce digne fils du terroir avec ses valeurs de diom de foula gueum sa bop beug sa rew, Benno na jamé voulu de macky parce kil leur fai peur il dormé alors k lui fesai le tour du monde à sensibilisé les gens contre le démon wade

  6. je ne suis pas partisant , mais je voit le bon methode pour barrer le route devant le candidat de wax waxette est de se dispercer , chacun va de son coté et batre la campagne contre wade et en meme temps expliquer leurs programmes . au lieu d’aller toujours ensemple , sachant ques les jours de la campage sont comptés. c’est comme une quipe de foot , chaque joueur a un poste et un role à jouer , mais le but est unique. donc je dit : BROVO MACKY , BRAVO BENNO.

  7. Letter to President Wade

    On the present political crisis in Senegal

    President of The Republic OF Senegal

    The Opposition Parties

    The Religious Leaders

    The Representatives of Civil Society

    1 February 2012

    Dear African Compatriots,

    Re: How To Avoid Crisis Of Legitimacy And Governance

    February 26 is scheduled to be the date for the Presidential Election in Senegal. It is not an ordinary event. It would be
    the most decisive election the Senegalese Government and people would have ever conducted so far. This is why
    extraordinary measures should be taken to ensure that it is free, fair and transparent. All obstacles that militate against
    the attainment of such an objective must be addressed with urgency and fortitude. This is the challenge. At the moment,
    Senegal is going through a storm and stress period which if not curbed could lead to crisis of legitimacy and
    governance. The objective of this memorandum is to advance proposals on how to avert such an eventuality.

    A decade plus two years ago Senegal witnessed the most far-reaching democratic transfer of executive power from an
    incumbent to a president elect who rose from the ranks of the opposition. A country which had never experienced a
    coup d’état was poised to be the shining example of the outcome of democratic transitions that were taking place in the
    world at the eve of the 21st Century. It was not a coincidence that many Heads of State and over 50000 admirers,
    especially the youth came to grace your inauguration. The Senegalese people, irrespective of party affiliation, nurtured
    hope that a new day had dawned for the Senegalese Republic. That hope was further nourished in 2001 when a new
    constitution came into being to create two term tenure of five years for the presidency.

    The Constitutional instrument was hatched, as your government was taking its first faltering steps in democratic
    governance, with the view to guide the Senegalese people to become the architects of a destiny of peace, security,
    dignity, liberty and prosperity. The neighbours in particular were inspired and so were the people in the Sub-region, the
    Continent and the international community at large.

    Honourable president, it is important to recast your mind to the period in 2001 when you decided to assent to the bill
    which established a limit to the tenure of the executive.

    I would like to think that this was not done just to parody the trend in the evolution of democratic Constitutions on the
    Continent. I would like to believe that this was done to put a curb to the monarchical tradition of keeping leaders for a life
    time, long after their rule has failed to enlarge the liberties and prosperity of the people of the countries they govern.
    Your action was conceived as a lesson that Senegal could teach other African Countries that elected leaders are not
    monarchs who need to transform their off springs into heirs and successors but are public trustees who perform their
    function for a reasonable number of years and allow others to perform their national duty, if the people decide to
    exercise their will to consent to their leadership.

    This impressive start in limiting the tenure of the executive to two five year terms earned Senegal clout in the
    international community.

    After 12 years at the helm the turn of events are going against the integrity of your government and country.
    Great thinkers have said that principles are saving devices. They provide anchor to a ship of state when it set sail
    across politically troubled waters. Senegal is now sailing on politically troubled waters. It has an insurgency in the South
    and is threatened with mass uprising in the North. Where does Senegal go from here is the fundamental question that
    has to be addressed. It must either move towards greater democratic participation and National cohesion or sink into the
    abyss of political alienation and National disintegration. The battle lines are drawn and the early warning signals of the
    impending catastrophe are evident. Crisis prevention and management strategies and measures that will militate against
    mischief are urgent.

    This is precisely the reason why I took this initiative, as a major practitioner in democratic governance in the
    neighbouring country of the Gambia and the Secretary General of an opposition party, to put pen on paper to make
    recommendations on how to avert a disastrous predicament.

    First and foremost, the major source of contention is your candidature. The national arbiter in disputes regarding
    elections is the judiciary. The final arbiter is the people. This is the verdict of jurisprudence and it is incontestable. In a
    word, verdicts are enforceable without any political or social tremors when justice is done and is seen to be done. An
    Independent and impartial decision by the courts provide verdicts with a shell and the concurrence of a reasonable and
    fair-minded population provides verdict with its kernel. The two together makes verdicts secure and palatable.

    The Constitutional Council or court of Senegal has given legal backing to your candidature and has rejected the
    candidature of others. This has brought controversy.
    However, a careful examination of the root cause of the controversy is your opponents claim that you have already
    served two terms and should not seek another mandate while you claim that your first seven years was mandated by a
    constitution which does not exist any longer and which has been replaced by a constitution that has not given the term
    limit retroactive application.
    Those schooled in the law as an end in itself perpetuate the view that justice has been done according to the legal text.
    Those who are schooled in the law as a means of achieving social and political ends perpetuate the view that justice is
    not seen to be done by you serving 17 years instead of 12 years.

    What is needed now is a compromise that would allow the two legs of justice to stand. Justice needs to be done and
    should be seen to be done. Social justice is what is needed to address a potential crisis of governance.

    How then is social justice to prevail?
    It goes without saying that both sides of the political spectrum in Senegal have taken irreconcilable positions. The
    opposition maintains that your candidature should not be entertained. You maintained that your candidature is not
    negotiable. What then is the option?

    It is necessary to bear in mind that all sides of the political spectrum in Senegal are fully convinced that Senegal must
    adhere to the democratic path to maintain its internal and external integrity. This cannot be if Senegal burns to ashes.


    * Mediation is the way to handle matters if confrontation is to be reversed. It is evident that the first port of call to
    mobilise mediators in Senegal is to involve religious leaders. There is need for each of the heads of the Islamic schools
    of thought in Senegal to contact each other and reach a consensus to be mediators. Each should select one learned
    scholar to be their envoy who will meet all sides of the political spectrum as well as legal experts before making their
    recommendations which shall be forwarded to the religious leaders for adoption.

    *Secondly, a Committee of Senegalese jurists should be formed to look at the juridical and judicial issues confronting
    the Republic with the view to make recommendations that would bring about a democratic transition that would give rise
    to a Government of National Unity pending democratic Presidential elections which could be postponed if juridically

    *These two groups should be given two weeks to carry out their consultation. This should be followed by the convening
    of a National Conference under the auspices of the religious leaders and the committee of jurists that should magnetise
    the participation of all political parties, the presidential candidates, Civil society representatives and ECOWAS, AU and
    UN observers

    The objective of the National Conference should be to work out a Dakar Consensus that would pave the way for a win –
    win transitional arrangement that would be constitutionally defensible and politically viable.

    History, the untiring scribe is waiting to write the deeds of all Senegalese during this trying moments for posterity to pass
    its judgment. Great people perform great deeds so as to give a great name to a great age. Will President Wade, in
    particular, and all opinion leaders in Senegal, in general, rise up to this historic challenge? That is our great hope and
    expectation. Wisdom and Truth should be your guide. The future will be the judge.

    Yours in the Service of Africa

    Halifa Sallah

  8. M23,vous nous avez appris à marcher,à contester et à avoir peur mais ça suffit;faites nous rever,allez sur le terrain,travailler et présenter ns des programmes.Macky à parfaitement raison.13 candidats,1 campagne,1 programme,ça n’a pas de sens.vous allez encore échouer comme au benno,soyons sérieux.


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